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Mai’s Best Seller Cassava Cakes and Sweets Claimed

Anything Sweet, Anything Good!

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Mai’s Cravings started out selling Cassava Cakes in 2020. This our best seller.

With demands, we expanded our products to customized cakes.

We now also have desserts.

Aside from the sweets and delights, we also offer food trays and packages.

Please see our Gallery for more information of the products we sell.


For more information please visit our website @ https://maiscravings.com




Q Do you deliver?

Yes we do, but only to the nearby areas, Sibonga and Argao. We delivery near main roads. Sa mga sudlunon nga lugar, we do meetups in nearest landmark.

We also appreciate pickups.

Q How to order

Chat us from the button below right from this website or simply message us in our Facebook Messenger
